Been a while
2006-05-31 - 10:50 p.m.

I haven't really updated that much lately. I am back in Nebraska and trying to find a job for the summer. It's only been a week and a half though. I did find a job that starts on Monday but it doesn't pay that much, so I'm still trying to interview to find a better job.

Life in Nebraska sucks, it's so boring. But I'll be able to save up some money over the summer so that will be good. Plus I really want to get focused in on some life goals and I think that taking time away from Arizona will do that for me. I can go back there all refocused and ready to accomplish shit. Considering I only have one semester of school before I graduate I really need to start deciding what I want to do after I graduate.

Also I've been trying to stay clear of a certain someone, and I did fail but I picked myself back up. So far this time I have gone three days. Which I know isn't a lot but you always have to start somewhere.

Another thing. Have any of you ever watched that show on Mtv called parental control. Where you go on a date with two other people that your parents pick out and then decide between them and your current significant other. I've been watching it and thinking that if someone that I was in a relationship came to me and was like hey I'm going to date around to see if I still want to be with you, I'd be like uh no need to do that I'm outta here. Seriously, and don't get me started on those shows like elimidate or next where you compete for someone affections. I don't know if it's just the fact that I'm a bitter 23 year old, but shows like that seriously bother me.

Tomorrow night I'm hanging out with my friend Tom who I haven't seen since I moved to arizona like four years ago. It should be crazy fun!

I'm also trying to start running again to help kind my mind clear.
