Name calling is for five year olds
2006-06-10 - 6:21 p.m.

On my last entry I got a comment calling me an ass for having my point of view. I was slightly amused by the comment and wrote the young lady an email. So I'm going to post that email here because I don't feel like writing another entry.

Since you decided to comment on my entry on diaryland I decided to get more information on you and am amused to find out that your only 16. Let me give you a little life lesson, try reading someones whole point of view before commenting on it otherwise you will sound like a big ass yourself. Your comment was as follows

"You ass. There shouldn't even be a fucking military establishment. This war is wrong, and if you can't accept that people might have views on it, even those that are in the fucking military, then put up or shut up."

First of all, To say there shouldn't be a military establishment is the most assinine comment I've ever heard in my life and I won't even bother to address it except to say that without a military establishment you wouldn't have the freedom you have today to express your point of view. Second of all I never stated that people shouldn't have view on the war. As I recall I made an entirely different statement. Heres the direct quote since you apparently missed it "You don't have to support this war. You don't have to agree with it. It's your right as an American to voice your opinion on the war. Not only is it your right , but it's your obligation as citizen" No where in my entry did I ever say that people in the military should not have a view on the war. To the contrary, I stated that people should have an opinion on it and they should voice their opinion on it. My entry was directed to signing up for military and knowing full well what the military entails and then trying to bow out of it. When you sign up for the military there is no clause that says you will only fight the fights that you agree with. Your final comment was put up or shut up. Considering that you don't know me or if I'm a member of the armed forces or not. Or if I have family that serves in the armed forces or if I come from a long line of family that has always done its duty to this country then you shouldn't open your mouth.

I welcome your point of view, and I respect your point of view. In the future though, I would urge you to express your point of view without calling people asses. When you call someone a name and make judgements upon their own point of view then it makes your argument worthless.

And for the record I never made one statement in that entry stating whether or not I was for the war or against the war.
